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Shark Tank

all process I follow to achieve my goal


This was the presentation used in order for the audience to approve my project by getting 4 green cards, in the shark tank.


On this slide I presented and explained the objective of the art piece which in short text is a criticism to trump directed by two possible ways, that he doesn't belief in global warming therefor they are affecting it drasticly and the second is about how he gets his money for the hard work of others.

On the next slide I included the first and initial idea which was to draw trump in a lot of bills, and a lightning strike hitting him. I included my initial references as well which were Vik Muniz for the non conventional materials and also Julian Schnable, for non conventional support. 

On the other slide was the first 3D sketch which used as reference Tara Donovan for using modulation. the idea was to build a city in which the buildings, seen from certain angle spell TRUMP, and all the buildings surrounded by bills, and some clouds above the city.

On this slide I showed the second and final version of my project which was going to be a cloud of bills coming out from a fabric and in it the stencil of the face of trump. For this idea I used the same references as before because I didn't changed the idea, just how I would show it.

On this final slide I proposed the idea of  combining the 2D and 3D in just one art piece, the 3D consist on a fabric made out of wood , with little drawers in which some tools are made out of the thing they are used to; a hammer of nails, a shovel of dirt, a peak of stones, etc. On this proposal I used Luide Nevelson as a reference because he made some sculptures with the design of the drawers.

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